Entries Tagged as 'BlueDragon and Railo'

Open BlueDragon - ColdFusion goes open source

BlueDragon and Railo No Comments »

Now when I say ColdFusion, I do not mean Adobe ColdFusion Server, I actually mean CFML the language, but most people tend to associate this with ColdFusion. So just to enlighten those of you that do not know the language is called CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language), but there are a number of ways you can deploy CFML, the most well known being Adobe ColdFusion Server and the lesser known BlueDragon Server, and more recently Railo, all of which have a price tag.

Well if you have been living under a rock for the last few months (like me) you probably wont know that New Atlanta released an open source (free) version of their BlueDragon product called Open BlueDragon. This is great news for the CFML community as it means we now have a totally free way to learn, develop and deploy CFML applications, and we can now finally and proudly stick up our fingers to the PHP, Ruby, etc community and blow raspberrys.

This will also add a great boost to the popularity of CFML as a language and will undoubtably grow the community exponentially and open up more jobs for CFML developers.

Additional detail can be found here: BlueDragon Open-Source F.A.Q.


Here are some other useful related links


For those of you coming to CFDevCon this year, there will be some sessions on BlueDragon.


If you are interested in BlueDragon.net then don't forget that you can try this for FREE over at www.cfdeveloper.co.uk along with ColdFusion 8.

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