russ and tinal am a CTO of BlueThunder Internet Ltd , which has been trading since 2000 under various guises, formally known as CFMX Hosting. Famous for our outstanding tech support and technical knowledge.

I have been a ColdFusion  fan and long time contributor to the ColdFusion community since 1999 (CF4). Among my community endeavours are CFMLDeveloper,  a service/community for CFML Developers (ColdFusion, Railo), which I have been running since 1999 which is currently the only place on the web where you can get  FREE developer hosting for Coldfusion and Railo, I run this to help people try out and learn CF with minimal effort and to help startups and contractors get going. 
I also own as well, a CFML centric search engine, and more recently I threw together CF Live, a service for testing and pretifying CFML code instantly.

Sadly these days I don't get to do much programming, as most of my time is spent dealing with operations and customer support, but I still do the odd bit of debugging, fixing, performance tuning and general consulting for customers.

Outside of work I am an ex biker (sadly the bike had to go due to other priorities), a cook, a bit of a coktail meister, a husband and a father of 4.  I like to rock/metal music, have several tattoos, oh and I  also have a thing for the wild west, thus the cowboy hat.

Russ, his wife and his 4 kids  and their 5 cats reside in sunny Margate, Kent. 

 If you would like to contact me :-

Email: russ(at)


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