Farewell to MangoBlog

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I have been running this site on MangoBlog for many years now, but as anyone who uses Mango will know, it rarely ever gets updated anymore, most of the plugins either no longer exist or no longer work and if they do they are no longer maintained or updated. Unfortunately this is the fate for most any decent app that was ever written for CF, as the userbase is so limited, and the developers tend to move on to other things.  And to be fair in most cases there is usually a better NON CFC solution available which is maintained, supported and regularly updated. So I am bidding farewell to MangoBlog and moving over to WordPress, which is by far the most popular and widely used app for blogs and simple websites and of which I am a big fan.

At some point I will be writing a migration tool to import all my blog posts from Mango into Wordpress, but until then I will be leaving this site online and have setup my  new wordpress site/blog at russmichaels.uk

So if you subscribe to my RSS feed, please redirect your rss reader over to russmichaels.uk, if you are a subscriber, then I will subscribe you to the new blog automatically, and you will receive an email asking you to approve the subscription.


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