One of the things that really grinds my gears is lousy customer support, and sadly pitiful customer support seems to be the norm these days, they simply don't care about their customers or providing a good service, so I have decided I'm going to start blogging my experiences and review the best and worst companies I deal with. Below are my experiences for last year.
In this article:-
- SwordSky
- Zen Internet
- O2
For the record I know full well that it is not possible to please all of the people all of the time, and legitimate mistakes and misunderstandings do happen, so I try not to judge any company based on just 1 poor experience unless it is so bad I simply do not want to do business with them ever again, all of the companies mentioned below are ones I deal with on a regular basis.
Now it has been suggested that perhaps my standards are are too high, but I disagree, my requirements are very simple and I have consistently managed to provide this high level of support to my own customers for the last 12+ years, even from my days as a sole trader when it was me doing everything by myself, and during those 12+ years I have also consistently received good reviews and feedback from customers, in fact I can count the number of unhappy customers we have had in all those years on both hands.
Here are my (simple) requirements:-
- respond to emails/tickets in a timely fashion (my company replies to most tickets within 4 hours)
- when dealing with email, actually read it properly and provide a response that is actually related to the question asked
- if you don't know the answer, ask someone else and try to find out, don't simply ignore the customer/ticket and hope they will go away
- actually give a damn about what you are doing
I have generally found the worst performers is where support is being outsourced to India, and the reason for this is in most cases is due to a poor understanding of English (odd considering most of their customers are English speaking) and as a result they do not understand the questions they are being asked or simply do not read it properly, and as a result give responses that are total dribble, unhelpful, often using incomprehensible broken English and unrelated to the question the customer asked.
For small companies it is understandable why they outsource as it is the only way they can afford to offer 24/7 support, but for big companies like Dell and O2, I do wonder why they do it, as it only serves to harm their reputation.
Many of these common issues could be handled by some simple quality control, monitoring of support staff and their responses and pointing out mistakes so the staff learn by them and improve their communication skills and responses. And yes this is also something I do at my company and it has worked well.
However sadly this is something most companies clearly do not do, especially the big boys, leaving the issues to continue and customers to become more frustrated.
That said, some of the worst support I have experienced is "in-house" provided by English people and and not outsourced at all.
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