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FREE Anti Virus from Microsoft

Jibber Jabber , News & Gossip No Comments »

windows_live_one_care I have thought for a long time that Microsoft really ought to include free anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-malware protection with windows as standard to protect the average PC owning numpty who has no clue about such things, like most peoples parents for example, not only for their protection, but also for everyone else's. Is it the average clueless numpty that invariably gets infected with viruses and trojans and then unwittingly unleashes them on everyone else.

And with the huge bloated size of Vista, I kind of expected this to be the case, but it was not. Sure there is Windows Live OneCare, which is not free, and reviews have shown it to be pretty pants, so I certainly wouldn't want to pay for it.


Well Microsoft today announced plans to kill its Windows Live OneCare PC care and security suite and replace it with a free anti-malware utility.

The new product, code-named "Morro" will be designed for a smaller footprint that will use fewer computing resources, making it ideal for low-bandwidth scenarios or less powerful PCs, Microsoft said its surprise announcement.


Retail sales of Windows Live OneCare, which offered non-security PC care features such as printer sharing, data backup and automated PC tune-up, ends on June 30, 2009.

The company said "Morro" will be available in the second half of 2009 and will feature standard anti-malware capabilities to detect viruses, spyware, rootkits and trojans.

Morro will use the same home-built malware protection engine that powered Windows Live OneCare.


The new solution will deliver the same core protection against malware as that offered through Microsoft’s enterprise solutions, but will not include many of the additional non-security features found in many consumer security suites.

The freebie will be available as a stand-alone download and offer malware protection for the Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.

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