I just can't seem to get away from this weird and wonderful tech issues that don't seem to affect anyone else or at least not enough for them to show up on google, I must be some sort of magnet for these things.
The latest bizarre episode was my Broadband connection at my office, which started to become rather unreliable, constantly dropping, becoming slow and then eventually died altogether and has been down for the last month. The router would connect for a few seconds and then disconnect again, so not enough time to do anything.
I replaced the router several times, all cables, ADSL filter, AC/DC adaptor, unplugged all other equipment from the router and phone line, nothing worked.
Finally my ISP sent out a BT engineer to do a line check, he fixed every possible problem he found on my line and at the exchange, so I now have a perfect line with an even better download speed than I had before.
The engineer even connected up his own BT Broadband router and connected to BT without an issue. So it appeared the problem was with my ISP, but they didn't have a clue what it could be so I decided to transfer to a new provider, after much careful consideration I chose Zen based on their good reputation and number of positive reviews for their business broadband.
My new ADSL was connected today, so I came in to the office with anticipation, only to be deflated again when I realised the problem was still there.
So I got on to the phone to Zen and literally within 10 minutes the problem was solved.
The first thing the guy asked me was if I had any other electrical devices near my router or the wires and if I did could I turn them off, which I thought seemed a bit odd but I did it anyway, and by heck my router came to life, the ADSL light went green and I had Internet access.
So it turned out to be by Snom 360 VOIP phone, some how it had developed a fault and was emitting waves at a frequency that was interfering with my ADSL, yes even when it was not plugged in in to the router.
It seems like such a simple thing, but I doubt I would ever thought of doing this myself as the possibility of my phone being the cause even when disconnected would not have even occurred to me, and obviously did not occur to my previous ISP either, so so I have to give Zen top marks for their tech support and this is why you pay more for a quality service.
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