Entries Tagged as 'Jibber Jabber'

StarWars comes to the TomTom

Jibber Jabber 1 Comment »

After discovering my iPhone has no SatNav software, I was just looking on the tomTom web site and came across this. http://starwars.tomtom.com/voices/index-starwars.php?Lid=1

You can now have your directions read toyou in the voices of Darth Vader, C3PO or Yoda, very cool I do have to say, and I bet if Ray Camden doesn't already have a TomTom he will own one very soon :-)

By the way be sure to watch the Darth Vader video, quite entertaining.

Photoshop CS5 demonstrates its stunning new party piece

Jibber Jabber , News & Gossip , Product Reviews No Comments »

I just had to share this as it is totally awesome. So many times I could have used this.


The now-familiar release cycle of Adobe's Creative Suite is signalled by two things: the hype and expectation of  those who rely on Adobe's applications and prices that, especially for UK users, seem to soar further into the stratosphere with every new version.

A single new feature, though, has awed the PC Pro office and suddenly made CS5 seem like fantastic value for money. It's been dubbed the Content-Aware Fill, and has been shown off in a YouTube video narrated by Bryan O'Neil-Hughes, a product manager on the Photoshop team.

The dull, businesslike name hides a potentially revolutionary feature: if you're not happy with an item in your picture, select it, delete it, and Photoshop will analyse the surrounding area and plug the gap as if it never existed.

It seems easy to use and incredibly proficient: O'Neil-Hughes used it to remove lens flare, turn patchy and litter-strewn grass into a perfectly manicured lawn. He quickly removed entire trees and let Photoshop stitch together the grass and sky that would take their place. It's a testament to the new tool's proficiency that we couldn't tell that the image had been modified.

He didn't stop there: a simple click removed a dusty track and replaced it with desert, and a panoramic image's clumsy borders were filled out within seconds. Best of all, Photoshop handled these modifications without fuss and quickly delivered picture-perfect results.

Without this feature, making these edits could take hours or, in more complicated cases, even days. The Content-Aware Fill, though, took just seconds and has got us even more excited about the impending release of CS5. We'll have a full review available when the software is released but, for now, this demo should be more than enough to whet your appetite.

Electronic Cigarettes rock

Jibber Jabber , Product Reviews 3 Comments »


In my efforts to give up smoking I decided to investigate these so called electronic cigarettes. To my surprise the reviews all seemed to rave about them and people were claiming they never looked back, what has a lot to do with the smoking bans, so I thought sod it lets buy one. There are so many out there it is damn hard to choose, but in the end I went for the one pictured left from Totally Wicked Eliquid where they call them Electronic Nicotine Inhalers (e-NI) rather than e-cigarettes, which is in fact what they are.

I have to say I am shocked at how good it actually is, not only does it taste very similar to a cigarette, but I actually prefer it and have been smoking it far more than I do cigarettes. You get all the things that keep you hooked on smoking, something to hold in your hand and put in your mouth, the taste, the inhalation of smoke and of course the nicotine high but without any of the nastiness, here are some of the benefits.

  • They contain no tobacco,Nor do they contain any of the multitudes of harmful, carcinogeous ingredients found in traditional tobacco products
  • No Smoke (it is actually water vapour)
  • doesn’t make you or your clothes smell
  • no chance of causing fire as it is not alight
  • legal to smoke in public places due to above
  • no where near as bad for your health
  • no more mouth like a litter tray in the mornings
  • will not effect those around you
  • saves you money
  • wont give you cancer
  • you don’t have to go outside in the cold to smoke

There are many different types, some look like cigarettes and some don't, like mine above, and some look just plain weird, add to that the fact that there are 30+ different flavours of nicotine liquid (or cartridges) to choose from, and you can see the whole smoking experience suddenly has a bit more depth to it.

So far I have only tried regular and cherry flavour nicotine and I like them both. I used to only smoke menthol ciggies and couldn't stand anything else, but this is not an issue with the e-NI as it is far less harsh due to the lack of tobacco. I am a big fan of the flavours too, back in the days of pipe and tobacco shops I used to smoke flavoured pipe tobacco and use liquorice rizla papers, so itsa bit of a blast from the past and I expect I will have a nice selection soon.

So if you are a smoker, I would definitely recommend you give it a try, i'm sure those around you wont miss your stinky clothes and smelly breath either. If you are worried about looking like a bit of a ponce, all I can say is grow a pair? and stop worrying about what others think, it's your life after all.


PCI Compliance for Dummies

Jibber Jabber , WEBBY STUFF 3 Comments »


PCI DSS compliance is now a legal requirement for anyone with merchant services, having just had to go through this myself and knowing that our clients are also going to have to do the same, I started searching for a simple guide that I could pass on to clients and came across this book.


Complying with the PCI Data Security Standard may seem like a daunting task for merchants. This book is a quick guide to understanding how to protect cardholder data and comply with the requirements of PCI - from surveying the standard's requirements to detailing steps for verifying compliance.

PCI Compliance for Dummies arms you with the facts, in plain English, and shows you how to achieve PCI Compliance.


And yes my company BlueThunder Internet is fully PCI DSS compliant before you ask :-)

Should you trust web host review sites?

Jibber Jabber , Rogue Traders 4 Comments »

My answer to this would be an emphatic NO, these review sites are all there to make money and simply give the highest rating to the hosts who pay the most. And as far as any reviews go, these can just as easily be made up by either the review site or the host as no real validation  takes place on most of these sites other than to maybe send out a verification email to the specified email address, which only goes to prove that the poster did not use a fake address.  Many of these sites will also doctor the reviews to favour the paying advertisers, notice that almost all host review sites have the same companies in their top 10. Just take a look at http://hosting-reviews-exposed.com/ for some real dirt.


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