Adding additional email headers to the Kayako SupportSuite parser

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One the many problems I have found with Kayako SupportSuite is that it only checks the TO and CC addresses, this applies to email queues, parser rules and catch-all rules.
This means that if you have emails that are BCC'd into your ticket system, they wont work. Situations where this may be required is where you have an automated system that sends out overdue invoice alerts/reminders to customers and BCC's them to you so that you can action them.

The way round this is to tell the parser to check additional email headers, which headers you need will depend on your mail server. Google Apps for example uses a "delivered-to" header to record the final destination of the email.
To find out which header the destination email address is stored in, simply check your parser log and check the headers for a rejected email.

To add additional headers edit the file "<installation folder>\includes\functions_mime.php

Around line 130 find the following line

foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'x-rcpt-to') as $header)
and change it to
foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'x-rcpt-to', 'bcc','delivered-to') as $header)

Obviously you can add any number of additional headers in the same way.
I have also discovered that the CATCH-ALL rules do not work on the FROM address, presumably because the catch-all parser also uses the above code.
You may also be interested to know that the parser rules are post processors and will only parse emails that have already been accepted into a queue, so a queue must exist for the destination address.
The catch-all rules are pre-processors and will parse emails BEFORE processing them into a queue, so you can use these to process emails that would not otherwise be accepted as tickets.
Unfortunately resolving this issue was another painful battle with Kayako support, requiring screen shots, multiple repeat explanations and explaining how their own software works yet again.
As has been the case many times, their original work around/suggestion was to create a catch all rule with the following regex "(.)*", which will basically bypass all rules and queues and accept any email into the system, including every bit of spam.
I really wish their support staff would use a bit of common sense.


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