As you may remember from my previous post, I had issues with Microsoft Access Data Sources not working after upgrading from CF8 to CF9. The reason being that CF9 decided to install the ODBC service on a different port.
Well after upgrading cfmldeveloper to CF9.0.1 I had the same problem, users started to report MSAccess DSN's were not working, except this time the service was running fine and on the correct port. This was a real head scratcher, and as is often the case with my issues they are fairly unique/unusual and so there often is nothing on google and even my fellow cfgurus cannot help me.
After further investigation I discovered that existing MSAccess DSN's were actually still working, it was only new DSN's that did not work, giving the following error.
[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver]TCP/IP error, connection refused.
So I then went into the ColdFusion Administrator to take a look at the DSN's and was unable to do so, getting this error.
The ColdFusion ODBC Server service is not running or has not been installed.
You may also use the "MS Access with Unicode" driver to connect to MS Access datasources
As you can imagine this was a bit confusing as the service was indeed running otherwise the old DSN's would not be working.
So I had a look in the <cfusion root>/lib/neo-datasources.xml (this is where the DSN's are stored) and found the cause, The CFADMIN was using the wrong port to connect to the ODBC service and for creating DSN's, it was again using 20000 instead of 19999 which result in the following JDBC URL.
<var name='url'><string>jdbc:sequelink:msaccess://localhost:20000;serverDatasource=dofficers</string></var>
Now bear in mind that I am creating DSN's via the HELM control panel via my API, which is the only reason that was even possible, as obviously it was not possible to add a new MSACCESS DSN via the CFADMIN for the same reason.
So this again seemed like a trivial solution, just change the port again right? So as I know the setting had to be in one of the neo XML files I simply did a search for "20000" thinking this would give me what I want, but no, I came up empty and have now spent almost a month trying to resolve this.
So I viewed the source in the cfadmin for the msaccess.cfm page, and there I could see a hidden form field that contained the port number. My next step was to decrypt the CFADMIN and try and find out where the port came from. This also turned out to be a less than simple task as none of the decrypt tools would work for me. It was then suggested to me by fellow cfguru Mark Kruger that I needed to get a copy of the CFADMIN from ColdFusion 6 as the encryption had changed since then, and these tools had not since been updated.
I eventually got the files I needed and worked out that the port number came from the service factory, so again I was confused as I was sure the service factory settings came form the neo xml files? Well this is where I feel like a dumbass, I just got confirmation from Mike Nimer (who actually wrote some of the cfadmin) that I should be looking in the neo xml files, so I searched the files again and this time I got a hit in the neo-drivers.xml. So it was there all along, god knows how I missed it last time, maybe windows search screwed up or maybe I typed 2000 instead of 20000 several time sin a row LOL. Anyway the solution was indeed as easy as I had first thought, just open up the neo-drivers.xml and find the following.
<var name='port'><string>20000</string></var>
and simply change the port to 19999, then restart CF and everything should be good.
So why am I having these issues every time I update CF? I think it is because of the fact that when you install a new version of CF it leaves the previous version intact and simply disables the services (or should do at least). And in my case the cf installer is seeing the previous CF version and thinks it is still active and thinks there will be a conflict on the ODBC service port, so is changing it. Obviously in both cases it did not do it properly, the first time it only change the service port and not the service factory settings, the second time round it did the opposite.
Now I know some people will just say and did say "why didn't you just use the Microsoft Access with Unicode" driver instead, and yes this would be a workaround as this driver does not rely on the ODBC service so is better anyway. But Unfortunately the HELM control panel we use only supports the regular MSACCESS DSN, so I needed to get this working again or no-one could use MSACCESS.
And yes we all know that people shouldn't use MSACCESS for production web sites, but they do.
Sep 22, 2010 at 6:58 PM Russ,
Great write-up. I learn more from blow-by-blow accounts than I do from just giving the solution. That's why math profs always want you to show you work I guess :)
Sep 22, 2010 at 10:11 PM I think blog posts would be very short and boring if you only gave the solution.
Often the blow by blow account also helps others avoid silly mistakes and shows the process of "Trouble Shooting", a skill many lack especially when it comes to servers, which hopefully might aid someone solving their own problem if it is similar but not exactly the same.
Of course you can go too far in the opposite direction and sometimes provide too much information, no names mentioned Mr Arehart :-)
Dec 22, 2010 at 3:00 PM Hello, i'm running a CF 9.01 enterprise server and have been trying to get this resolved now for some time. I've followed both of your posts here,
finding that the issues you reported were true on my server too (wrong ports/etc). I went through your steps, changed ports in all places and the
server still reports back the message "The ColdFusion ODBC Server service is not running or has not been installed. You may also use the "MS Access with Unicode" driver to connect to MS Access datasources" both when trying to edit an existing DSN and add a new one. I've also found the documentation that gives you the
information on how via "<cfscript>" calls to remove and re-install the ODBC services, tried that and still no success. Any additional suggestions you
may have would be appreciated.
Dec 22, 2010 at 3:24 PM Sadly Marc I exhausted everything I could think of solving this and I still had 1 server with this issue that I simply could not fix.
The last resort is to uninstall CF8 and CF9 and then start from scratch. Don't forget to backup all your settings first, you can do this by using the ColdFusion Archive in the cfadmin but I would suggest doing each section individually as I have had issues with a FULL backup of everything. Or you can just backup the neo xml files.
Dec 22, 2010 at 3:39 PM Russ - thanks for the prompt reply. I tried one last thing, which was to revert all the changes I made back to using the ports it setup when the
server was first upgraded (19999 and 20000) and then tested changing one of my existing DSNs to use port 20000 (via editing the neo-datasources)
and SUCCESS. The datasource was recognized and it validated it. I was also able to add a new datasource having these settings.
My only conclusion is that when the install happened, somewhere buried either in a configuration file or some other setting, CF registered that the
ODCB Server was running on port 20000 and none of the files you've found to change in your testing affected that particular setting. It's a little
crazy to think that not more users have encountered this or that Adobe hasn't had support calls to create a KB article that explains this situation,
but I guess it is what is for now.
Dec 22, 2010 at 4:05 PM I guess you have been lucky if the cfadmin is actually creating the DSN's using the new port correctly, I presume you made the change to neo-datasources.xml to get this working otherwise there would have been no issue to begin with :-)
Dec 22, 2010 at 6:38 PM That is correct, I did a massive find and replace in my neo-datasource
file and replaced all instances of the old port number (19998) with the
new one that was put in place when I did the upgrade. Once I did that
then the old DSNs also began working fine.