Mura CMS: Hide menus for restricted pages

ColdFusion , Railo Add comments

I have just recently been playing with mura in the last 2 days which I decided to use for the new CFLIVE website.

One function I need is to have menus/pages which will only be visible to logged in users. While Mura does allow you to restrict access to pages, it still displays the menus/links and allows access to the page but gives a login prompt instead of the page content, I could not find any way to hide the menu links as well.
On the Mura forums even BlueRiver themselves have suggested the only option is to create a hard coded menu instead, which really seems like a terrible work around to me, although that reply was 5 years old, so perhaps there was no better way to do it back then.

Anyway  I found a better solution, but please be aware as I said, I have only been using Mura for 2 days, and have no more than a few hours experience with Mura code at this point, so if there is a better way of doing this, feel free to let me know.

Open the file /requirements/mura/content/contentRenderer.cfc

find the "allowlink function, around line 287 and copy this function to your site's contentRenderer.cfm
[site root]/default/includes/contentRenderer.cfc

now simply add the <cfelseif> block below, this will stop restricted pages showing in the menu if the user is not logged in.


<cfif  arguments.loggedIn and (arguments.restrict)>

                        <cfif arguments.restrictgroups eq '' or listFind(session.mura.memberships,'S2IsPrivate;#application.settingsManager.getSite(variables.event.getValue('siteID')).getPrivateUserPoolID()#') or listFind(session.mura.memberships,'S2')>

                                    <cfset allowLink=True>

                            <cfelseif arguments.restrictgroups neq ''>

                                    <cfset allowLink=False>

                                    <cfloop list="#arguments.restrictgroups#" index="G">

                                        <cfif listFind(session.mura.memberships,'#G#;#application.settingsManager.getSite(variables.event.getValue('siteID')).getPublicUserPoolID()#;1')>

                                        <cfset allowLink=true>




            <!--- add this bit --->            

            <cfelseif !arguments.loggedin and arguments.restrict>

                <cfset allowLink=false>


5 responses to “Mura CMS: Hide menus for restricted pages”

  1. Brimard Says:
    Should be able to use the local site renderer.cfc to override the global; won't be overwritten on a core file update:
  2. Russ Michaels Says:
    Thanks, I have updated article accordingly.
  3. Sean Says:
    Hi Russ,

    Thanks for posting this. I just wanted to provide a quick clarification. You *can* hide navigation, it just has to be behind a node that is password protected. For example, say you have a "resources" Mura folder/section for your employees, you would post all the content under that node. When you go to that page, you would prompted with a login and would not see the links until you logged in. I realize that this doesn't address all scenarios, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of this approach. Thanks again!
  4. Carl Says:
    Did not work for me as it was.

    I tried it in the MuraFoundations theme. No results.

    Core 6.1.5896

    What did seem to work though was removing arguments.restrict from your <cfelseif . . .

    Thanks for the post!

  5. Sebastiaan Says:

    I have explained how this all works (also menus) in this blogpost: - this also affects the menus in this setup, as long as the menuitem is part of or beneath a restricted element.

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