My Mohawk has gone

Jibber Jabber Add comments

Yes it has finally happened, I shaved off my mohawk.

Those of you that know me well will know I have had a mohawk for many years in varying colours, in fact it is sort of my trademark as that is how people tend to remember me.

But last night on a whim I decided to shave it off and go "Stone Cold Steve Austin" style. It certainly looks odd now when I look in the mirror, and I haven't yet decided whether i'm going to keep it this way or grow it out and have a normal haircut. The great thing with my mohawk was that it hid my receeding hairline and made me look a little younger.

According to my wife I now look like Grant Mitchel from Eastenders LOL.


Updated: 21st November

As per Nicks comment, here is a before and after photos. Sorry they are crappy photos taken taken with my phone. At least Charlie Arehart can't use that "despite the way he looks" comment now seeing as we are now both baldies :-)


russ with mohawk
Russ without mohawk




5 responses to “My Mohawk has gone”

  1. Nick Tong Says:
    Where's the pre and post pictures!
  2. Russ Michaels Says:
    lol, ok i'll dig the camera out.
  3. Phil Porter Says:
    Be honest Russ - You just did it to look as good as me! :-)))
  4. Russ Michaels Says:
    But phil, your just bald, I chose to shave mine off :-)
  5. Phil Porter Says:
    Exactly... so u agree then. Just don't whatever you do, grow a beard. I once made that very silly mistake... quickly shaved when someone said itr oooked as if my head was upside down. Hope ur missus is doing okay... can't be long long now.

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