I received this today, supposedly written by John Harrison MBE. MIDSc, I understand this is actually quite old and loads of old balls, but I haven't seen it before and found it quite entertaining. For those politiical correctness nuts, try and see the humour in it instead of jumping to wild conclusions and spouting prejudice insults. Remember there are many relions in the world and none of them agree with each other, this just hilights the ironic humour in that. Allah or the Lord Jesus Christ? The Muslim religion is by far the fastest growing religion in the UK . Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their beliefs. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked: 'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?' There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers!' I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?' The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of 'a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.' He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.' I then stated, 'Well, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope Benedict commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!' The Imam was speechless! I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?' You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam remained speechless. Needless to say, the organizers and promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with this way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs. Within twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect a government of their choice, complete with sharia law I think everyone in the U.K. should be required to read this, but with the Liberal justice system, liberal media and political correctness madness, there is no way this will be widely publicised. |
Apr 13, 2009 at 12:26 PM This story is complete B.S. Some of these letters people send around (which inevitably end up getting ripped apart by the fact-checkers at FactCheck.org) at least sound believable. This one doesn't even pass the most basic bullshit tests...not sure why you feel the need to reprint it.
Apr 13, 2009 at 1:34 PM Can we bring the Imam that you speak of to hear his side of the story or are we just going to hear one side?
Apr 13, 2009 at 1:58 PM @Brian/HJ/Russ
Full Snopes article:
Apr 13, 2009 at 2:24 PM "liberal justice system, liberal media"
It's because of a liberal system of government that we have any of the freedoms we do today. I'm tired of hearing people confuse the terms "liberal" and "conservative." They do have concrete definitions in the world of political science, and it's not appropriate to use them as labels of convenience.
"there is no way this will be widely publicised."
Oh, c'mon, surely there's a Brit equivalent of Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reily who just loves to regurgitate factually void e-mail chainletters as if it's real journalism?
"there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect a government of their choice, complete with sharia law"
So you're a big fan of democracy up to the point where you can't win, based on religious or ethnic voting groups? I hope the U.K doesn't resort to something like the Jim Crow laws that plagued the U.S.
Apr 13, 2009 at 4:47 PM without wading too deep in your "story" i think you have islam quite wrong at least in terms of "infidel". The term is actually for non-believers of the judao-christian-islam nonsense. If you really "care" about this, check out the history and what the "prophet" actually said. His faith was/is for all "people of the book" meaning jews and christians. The shock was that his "revelation" was rejected by the other two "peoples of the book".
Not that that really matters if you believe all faith is bullshit. Our if your racist and hate every muslim like most english speakers these days.
Apr 13, 2009 at 6:53 PM George,
Thanks for the flame, but try reading the first line of the post.
Jun 22, 2009 at 8:57 PM Gosh oh gosh, this story has been circulating the Anglo-Saxon world for the last 6 years with minor variations in content and alleged author to match the country its aimed at. Consider a population takeover: -
2001 UK census results (which are on line) record only 3% of the population as Muslim; so what's the source for the facts and figures sourcing the flat earth statement "Within twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect a government of their choice, complete with sharia law"? Simple arithmetic based on Muslim women of childbearing age having as many confinements as practicably possible still wouldn't achieve what that statement says; the person who wrote this conveniently forgot to remind you nobody can vote until 18, so only the results of the first two years of a frenzied Muslim procreation attempt could vote in 20 years time. Personally I suspect the originators are neo-cons with AIPAC links.
Dec 18, 2013 at 7:32 AM I have nothing to do with this aricle, I have written numerous times to get my name removed from it without any success.
Sep 26, 2014 at 10:56 AM I was fascinated to see post no. 8 by John Harrison - especially as John Harrison, MBE passed away three years before the post was made.
Having said that, he was a photographer from Northern Ireland - not a prison official from London.
(I really have had discussion with Muslim clerics on the subject of infidels - and found them to be just a tad slippery!)