Yorkshire Bookkeeping

Yorkshire Bookkeeping


Yorkshire Bookkeeping

Projects 1
Projects 2

Job: Website Design, logo Design, hosting and website management.

I created a logo that could be used both vertically (where a square logo is required) and horizontally for the website and letterheads, business cards etc.

Unfortunately, the client has now ceased trading, so the website is no longer online.



Darrel King – Window Cleaner

Darrel King – Window Cleaner


Darrel King – Window Cleaner

Projects 3
Projects 4

Website: darrelking.weebly.com

I like to help out new startups and non profits where possible, and after getting this chaps awful DIY flyer through my door, I thought he might appreciate my help.

This is a very simple website I created for a local window cleaner using a free weebly account. Weebly is a website builder for folks who are not technical and not web designers, thus it is very basic, and has limited functionality, so there is not too much you can do with it, but I think it does the job for him.

I also created him a nice A5 flyer to give out to his customers.

 This was all done for free, well in exchange for cleaning my windows 🙂


Karate Site

Karate Site


Karate Site

Projects 5

This is a website redesign I made for a local karate club that my kids were attending at the time.

Sadly the instructor decided he preferred his old site, so this one was never used.

If you run a karate club and are in need of a new website and you like this design,  feel free to contact me.


Zen Managed Services

Zen Managed Services


Zen Managed Services

Projects 6

Complete company branding and web presence.

  • Logos
  • Banner Ads
  • Corporate color scheme
  • Brochures & flyers
  • Website design
  • Business cards
  • WHMCS integration
  • SEO
  • Website maintenance & support

Website: ZenMSP.uk



Zenith Intro

Zenith Intro


Zenith Intro

Projects 11

Back in the 1980’s I owned the world’s most popular home computer, the Commodore 64. I programmed in 6502 assembler language and did a few demos in the hay days of Compunet and coded many crack intros for various groups over the years under the name ‘Ironfist’.

My cracker group was called Zenith,  and I thought it would be fun to re-create one of those intros in HTML5, so here it is.

Logo created by Martin Godbeer (aka God from God & Hake)

Click the image for some retro 80’s fun

Once the demo starts, you need to click the screen, this will ensure that the music starts (browser protection stops music auto starting without user interaction).

If you are interested, here is a link to some of My other Intros on youtube.