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Boosting your signal in a mobile blackspot

Boosting your signal in a mobile blackspot

I am unfortunate enough to live in somewhat of a mobile black spot, where I cannot get a reliable indoor signal to make or receive calls. Most of the time I have no signal at all, which is not much good when you work from home. Bizarrely it only seems to affect my road according to the coverage checkers, and this has exasperated the problem when dealing with my providers, as they will simply look at the signal for the overall area and say everything is fine and completely dismiss the fact that...

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What Is ‘Legitimate Interest’ In The GDPR – And How Does Direct Mail Fit In?

What Is ‘Legitimate Interest’ In The GDPR – And How Does Direct Mail Fit In?

A particularly notable area in the GDPR regulations includes a section about ‘legitimate interest’. This means data that falls within a legitimate interest may not require explicit consent. A person may not have to provide permission to be contacted, if they are considered a legitimate interest. What does this even mean? What The GDPR Actually Says About Legitimate Interest Taken from the ICO: Article 6(1)(f) gives you a lawful basis for processing where: “processing is necessary for the...

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How to update WebsitePanel services/providers

If you upgrade Windows or any of the software on your server, there is unfortunately no easy way to apply these changes within WebsitePanel, which means it will often break if it is still using the old service/provider. The video below shows you how to make the required changes directly in the database.

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