
WIFI problems caused by windows update

WIFI problems caused by windows update

I have been having some WIFI problems the last couple of months where devices would randomly lose access to the internet, some devices couldn't even connect to the WIFI access point, others could connect but were just slow as hell. Even wired devices seemed to be...

Cyber Security: How to protect your kids online

Cyber Security: How to protect your kids online

To be blunt  (no insult intended),  most parents are not very computer literate and are also oblivious to the dangers of letting their kids loose on the Internet without supervision or protection. This is not specifically because you are parents but simply a...

Add MariaDB support to MSP Control

Add MariaDB support to MSP Control

I have recently been setting up MSP Control (formerly WebsitePanel) on my new CFML Developer server. Unfortunately, it doesn't support MariaDB out of the box and so won't detect if you have it installed. Fortunately, this is an easy hack. Open up your MSPControl...

Review: Uhans U200

Review: Uhans U200

A couple of months ago I decided to bite the bullet and get rid of my Windows Phone and switch back to Android, I donated my Nokia Lumia 930 to my son.  While I liked Windows Phone, and I do prefer the GUI, there were just too many niggling issues and bugs and those...

Turn your Android into a Windows Phone

Turn your Android into a Windows Phone

Windows Phone has received a lot of bad publicity, and the main complaint you see from ignorant reviewers is that there is a lack of apps for windows Phones (WP). While there may be many legitimate reasons to not like WP, lack of apps is not one of them, there are...

How to update WebsitePanel services/providers

If you upgrade Windows or any of the software on your server, there is unfortunately no easy way to apply these changes within WebsitePanel, which means it will often break if it is still using the old service/provider. The video below shows you how to make the...

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